
KALOS - Missionsteam Hilfe für Notleidende e.V.
(mission team "Help for people in need")

The registered charity KALOS helps people in need in the Republic of Moldova and Transnistria.

On the following pages you can find information about our work, the country and the people we support.

KALOS is a word of Greek origin and means ‘nice, good, useful’. Apostle Paul always asked for acts of charity in his letters to the young Christian communities.

KALOS aims at responding to this request and makes sure that its aid corresponds to the attributes ‘nice’, ‘good’ and ‘useful’.

Please contact us if you are interested to support us so that we can continue to help, for example via email.




KALOS-Hilfe für Notleidende e.V.
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 4
32339 Espelkamp, Germany

Account for Donations

Kreissparkasse Köln
IBAN: DE52370502990024006686